Sitemap - 2023 - Scott's Mixtape Substack

Saturday morning roundup of links

Peter Hull’s Design workshop spring 2024

Triple differences part 4: the simulation

Triple difference part 3: triple differences is a design, not a falsification

S2E44: Cristine Pinto, Econometrician, Inspir in Brazil

Mixtape Mailbag #4: Matrix Completion, diff-in-diff or synthetic control?

Weekly Closing out my Tabs

Workshop announcements

Triple Differences Part 2

Triple differences Part 1

S2E43: Interview with Marianne Wanamaker, Economic Historian and Dean, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Mixtape Mailbag #3: How Might DAGs Win Hearts and Minds in Program Evaluation?

A new drug reform has begun

What I read this year

Causal Inference: the Mixtape, the new unconfoundedness chapter (Taylor's version)

Lies, Damn Lies and OLS Weights Part 5

S2E42: Interview with Jinyong Hahn, Econometrician, UCLA

The Mixtape Mailbag #2

Closing my tabs weekly roundup

Lies, Damn Lies and OLS Weights Part 4

Infinite possibilities

The Unconventional Path of Causal Inference in Economics

S2E41: Tymon Słocyński, Econometrician, Brandeis University

The Mixtape Mailbag #1: First week of December

My new weekly substack schedule

Closing my tabs weekly roundup

Deciphering the ATE in LaLonde's Non-Experimental NSW Sample using a Simple Decomposition Method

Arkhangelsky and Imbens review causal panel methods

A Brief Sketch of Bob Lalonde and his job market paper

[RERUN PODCAST]: Interview with Guido Imbens, Econometrician, 2021 Winner of the Nobel Prize

Closing my Tabs Roundup

Announcing "The Mixtape Mailbag"

Lies, Damn Lies and OLS Weights Part III

Personal thoughts and links for Thanksgiving

ChatGPT-4 speculates about what happened to OpenAI this weekend

S2E40: Avi Goldfarb, Economist, University of Toronto

Lies, Damn Lies and OLS Weights Part II

Closing out the tabs in my browser

Personal update

More evidence of ChatGPT Disrupting Labor Markets

Lies, Damn Lies and OLS Weights: Part I

S2E39: Adam Smith, Economist, Glasgow University

Weekend ChatGPT and AI roundup

Postscript: Third Wave of Diff-in-Diff

The First and Second Waves of Difference-in-Differences

S2E38: Andreu Mas-Colell, Micro Theorist, Professor at Pompeu Fabra University

The Mixtape with Scott: "Classical Economists" series

S2E37: Casey Mulligan, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago

Baylor is hiring several new faculty lines in economics all told with increasingly bizarre and somewhat outlandish Dall-E 3 images

Reflections on last week, next weeks’ workshops, some ChatGPT links and my cats

S2E36: Sascha Becker, Economic Historian, Monash University

Doing Applied Research Workshop

Writing about teaching, personal and professional life, told with a bunch of DALL-E 3 pictures and longer than necessary sentences and paragraphs.

S2E35: Andrew Goodman-Bacon, Senior Economist, Federal Reserve

Hide, Orley, Josh and Guido

Brant Callaway on Mixtape Sessions and Dall-E 3 images

S2E34: Melanie Guldi, Health Economist, Professor, University of Central Florida

Diff-in-diff workshops, the story of synth, and introducing synthetic diff-in-diff

ChatGPT-4 and Bing Predict 2023 Winners of Nobel Prize in Economics

Using ChatGPT-4 to Prepare for Exams

ChatGPT-4, Therapy and Plans for the next chapter

S2E33: Jonah Gelbach, Law Professor and Economist, Berkeley

Personal updates

Decorative Gourds and Dr. Rocío Titiunik Workshop on RDD

S2E32: Amy Finkelstein, John Bates Clark Award Winner, Health Economist, MIT

Some ChatGPT Links You May To Read

Updates with links and video clips

New research, new workshops

S2E31: Nick Cox, Geographer, Stata Part 2

S2E30: Dr. John Cawley, Health Economist, Becker's Student, Cornell Professor

ChatGPT and Stories: Another Podcast Interview I Did With Adam Smith

S2E29: Dr. Nick Cox, Durham, Geographer, Stata (Part 1)

Sunk costs, Sunk benefits and a causal inference workshop

Rounding up a ton of papers on ChatGPT

S2E28: Interview with William Greene, Professor Emeritus, Author and Econometrician, New York University

Some updates on fall workshops

My new syllabus for my new class on the economics of chatgpt

S2E27: Interview with Ariel Pakes, Professor and Economist, Harvard University

S2E10: Interview with Jon Roth, Economics Professor at Brown, Econometrician

Advanced Diff in Diff workshop by Jon Roth

S2E26: Interview with Gábor Békés, International Economist and Author at CEU

Neyman causal model or Rubin causal model?

Personal Reflections on Guilt and Knowledge: Evidence from a Natural Experiment on Discovering a Coding Error

Planning next summer, or “who is going to watch my cats?”

Difference-in-differences, Average Treatment Effects and the Importance of Mechanisms: Part 2

New Fall Workshops and a Change in Policy

Difference-in-differences, Average Treatment Effects and the Importance of Mechanisms: Part 1

S2E25: Interview with Jonathan Meer, Labor and Public Economist, Texas A&M

E2S24: Interview with Joe Price, Labor Economist, Brigham Young University

E2S23: Interview with Miles Kimball, Professor and Economist

Causal Inference II Workshop

S2E22: Interview with Dr. William Spriggs, Professor of Economics at Howard University, Chief Economist for the AFL-CIO

S2E21: Interview with Dave Card, Professor and Labor Economist and 2021 Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, UC-Berkeley

Which one are the compliers?

S2E20: Interview with Marina Della Giusta, Labor Economist and Professor

Paying it Forward with Mixtape Fellows

S2E19: George Selgin, Economic Historian and Monetary Economist

Nonlinearities: Nearest Neighbor Matching Using Distance Minimization vs Saturated Regression

Has Diff in Diff Lowered the Price on Synth?

S2E18: Interview with Steve Pischke, Labor Economist and Professor at LSE

Outline of my upcoming Microsoft keynote

S2E17: Interview with Elizabeth Stuart, Biostatistician and Professor at Johns Hopkins University

European Travels, Suicidality and Mental Illness in Jails, Workshop announcement

S2E16: Interview with Jason Furman, Economist and Professor, Harvard University

Summer Causal Inference 1 and 2 Workshops

Did Facebook Hurt Our Mental Health? Probably

S2E15: Interview with Derek Neal, Labor Economist and Professor

Dr. Rodney Andrews, RIP

Last Two Mixtape Sessions Workshops for Spring 2023

We need to bring “ignorable treatment assignment” back it into our vocabulary

S2E14: Interview with Rocío Titiunik, Political Scientist and Quantitative Methodologist

S2E13: Interview with Mike Jay, Historian of Medicine and Author

GPT-4 Explains — “From Unitary Models to Game Theory: The Evolution of Economic Theories of Marriage and Their Impact on Understanding Domestic Violence”

Supercharge Your Applied Economics Research: An Intensive Workshop with Mark Anderson and Dan Rees

ATT Estimation using Regression and Matching with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

Alberto Abadie workshop on Synthetic control and clustering

S2E12: Interview with Alberto Abadie, MIT Econometrician and Professor

S2E11: Interview with Steve Berry, Economics Professor at Yale, Specialist in Structural Econometrics

Overcoming Our Miseducation Through Workshops and Mentoring with Dan Rees and Mark Anderson

S2E10: Interview with Jon Roth, Economics Professor at Brown, Econometrician

Act II: Horse Tracks and Horse Races

Podcast Interview with GPT4's Adam Smith

Advanced diff-in-diff workshop by Jon Roth

Act I: Matching vs Regression: In Defense of the ATT

S2E9: Interview with Joseph Doyle, Economist, MIT Professor

S2E8: Interview with Paul Oyer, Labor Economist, Stanford and Author

GPT4 Explains Econometrics: “: A Pioneering Force in the Evolution of Econometrics”

GPT4 Explains Econometrics: "Rabies, Love & Choices: The Epistolary Journey of Ivy Roe Through the World of Dan McFadden and Discrete Choice Modeling"

GPT-4 Explains Econometrics (a new series): Estimating Demand with BLP

S2E7: Interview with Mike Luca, Economist and Professor, Harvard

GPT Prompts are where we will find the next jump shot

GPT and the Economics of Cognitively Costly Writing Tasks

I asked GPT-4 to write three exam questions for a causal inference class, and then take it

S2E6: Interview with Pedro Sant’Anna, Professor, Economist and Econometrician

Mixtape Sessions Workshop Announcement: Causal Inference II

Inexact Matching using Minimized Distance Metrics

S2E5: Interview with Hide Ichimura, Professor of Economics and Econometrician

S2E4: Interview with Clair Brown, Author of Buddhist Economics and Labor Economist

Which variables do I need to control for?

S2E3: Interview with Beatrice Cherrier, International Treasure, Historian of Economic Thought

"Machine Learning and Causal Inference" by Brigham Frandsen (Feb 23-24, 2023)

S2E2: Interview with Dan Hamermesh, Professor Emeritus, Labor Economist

A Little Matching Never Hurt Anyone (Maybe)

S2:E1 Interview with Jeff Wooldridge, Economist and Econometrician

My first assignment for causal inference is a personal essay

Final Part 3: A Selected History of Quantitative Causal Inference

Part 2: A Selected History of Quantitative Causal Inference

Part 1: A Selected History of Quantitative Causal Inference

Hang with me -- I'm going to update this substack and podcast very soon

Why do economists so dislike "conditional independence"?

2023 New Year Resolutions